Web Banner Ad

This is an example of one of the web-banner ads I did for one of the winter-time products at King Par LLC. Everything about this ad was done by me with the exception of the actual design of the ice-scraper hockey-sticks themselves.
The image of them, and the design of the background are both mine. The logo was a corporate supplied logo. I am particularly proud of the way that I was able to incorporate the logo into the background, making it appear as though it were under the ice of a hockey ring. I had a lot of experience in College with creating textures from nothing, and it's a skill that I still value and put to use as often as applicable.

Catalogue Cover
Working on logos and product images was something I was asked to do commonly at King Par LLC, and several times a year we would put out various flyers, catalogs and brochures that each required new images, logos, and front-ends. This was for the 2014 catalog, and was one of the first times I was solely responsible for creating the entire front-page of the brochure, rather than simply providing a background image or logo. All of the images surrounding the logo were taken and retouched by me, and the arrangement is also mine. The medallion in the center is something I made from scratch as well.

King Par Media Site
The image here is more of a placeholder for what was my largest responsibility at King Par LLC, rather than an example of my artistic ability.
The King Par Media Site was an internal resource that I was responsible for maintaining throughout my employment. It was mostly used as an image archive for all of our new products each year, but it was also used as a tool by the salesmen when making a pitch to potential distributors whom we had lasting relations with.
In order to keep things organized, I broke albums down into sub-folders based on their brand, and then the type of object that they were. Since we often had several images of each item, these were each given their own category to avoid a massive clutter in a single folder. I also ensured that while we kept large-scale high-res images for use in box-art, that all images on the site were restrained to a 4"x4" 300dpi format so that everything looked in unison and was compliant with the demands of our distributors.
Each of the pictured logos were images that I made based on our existing signage, an updated each year.

Box Art
Another of my responsibilities at King Par was to help create and maintain images of the box art for our products.
The ATS was one of our main lines of clubs when I first started at King Par, and remained so for several generations across several iterations.
The ATS Black was the first iteration where I actually designed the box art itself, on top of taking all of the images of the clubs. The photography, retouching, and design were all my own work, approved by the Art Director, and then sent off for print by the suppliers.
The ATS Rogue was a variant made for the European market, so on top of redesigning a logo, and doing a re-shoot of the new clubs, I also had to ensure that the packaging was bilingual, namely in English and French.
The VT was another 'series' set that we had several iterations of at King Par. While not as high-end as the ATS, it was still one of our main-line products.
When i was asked to do the box-art for the VT series, I drew inspiration from the clubs themselves. They seemed very 'techy' to me, so I tried to reflect the hard angles and sharp contrasts of color in my box art. I was VERY happy with the result when the proof print came back from overseas, and I personally think it was one of the best package designs I managed while working at King Par.
T-Rex Ball Logo

Another example of work from my days at King Par, this logo'd golf ball was a product that was offered to special paying customers who wanted to have a unique logo imprinted upon a ball. These were also sometimes giveaway rewards or special promotions.
The T-Rex open has to be by far the most fun of these that I ever did. The design was for a younger gentleman who was hosting an event for his friends. Getting to do something as whimsical as putting a dinosaur on a golf ball was great fun, and the irony also made be chuckle a fair bit.
The logo was drawn by me in Illustrator and then sent to a special printer we had in-house that could 'spray' the design onto the ball and then seal it.

Character Logos
Another project that I was allowed to have a bit of fun with at King Par were a series of various products that I was asked to make 'cartoon characters' for.
The designs were all made in Illustrator and then either printed or sewn onto products such as hats and mugs.
I feel like each of them is a fun little sketch that speaks to a much more playful side of both the game, and my own personal design ability.

The Beast was one of the clubs that I was actually completely responsible for at King Par from start to finish. The concept was mine, I was responsible for creating the design art and sending it over to our suppliers, and I was responsible for marketing and packaging of the product.
The only aspects of the club that I was not allowed to change were the materials and the 'legality' of the club in tournament play.
Getting the shredded logo to work as an engraving in metal was difficult, but I'm pleased with the result, and the medallion is easily the feature I'm most proud of.

The Outlaw
The Outlaw was similar to the Beast in that it was a club I was responsible for the entirety of the design process for. This was actually the first club I was put in such a position for. I was much more limited in what I was allowed to change on this particular 'tool' as we called them, but I still feel as though the design came out well.
My largest contribution to this club was, as with the Beast, the medallion, but I was also involved in the design work for the rest of the club.

IRS - Lifestyle Photography
The Iron Replacement System was a set of hybrid irons made by King Par. It was always my responsibility to take images in sterile environments on white backgrounds and retouch them whenever a product arrived, but on occasion we would also do something much more artistic.
A lifestyle shot was often an image that required the kind of detail and accuracy of a product shot, but in a setting that would be appropriate for the product in question.
Photography had always been a skill I shared with my family growing up, and while it had never been my strongest passion, it was arguably my largest role to play at King Par, and one of the things I was most often complimented for.
The backdrop for this piece worked out so very nicely. It was still early in the day when I started the project and that allowed me to get a strong light source, but one that was subtle enough that it didn't burn out the subject.
I chose the location for it's natural beauty, particularly with the sun-shafts slicing through the fog in the background. It was actually somewhat overcast and foggy that morning, so some minor retouching was required, and the shoot took long enough that some of the richer shadows started to fade on me towards the end, but I still look back on these images fondly, and I'm proud of how sharp I was able to get the clubs to look while holding them with one arm and the camera in the other.